Installation and quickstart#

The package is available through PyPI and Github.

To install gaiaunlimited with pip, run:

pip install gaiaunlimited

To install gaiaunlimited through github, run:

pip install gaiaunlimited@git+<latest release>

Alternatively, clone the repository and install:

git clone
cd gaiaunlimited
python -m pip install .

In case a local installation is not possible, the package can also be installed inside a Google Colab notebook by executing the command !pip install gaiaunlimited or %pip install gaiaunlimited.

Plotting the Gaia DR3 selection function on the sky#

This code queries a precomputed all-sky map and displays the completeness at magnitude 21:

from gaiaunlimited.selectionfunctions import DR3SelectionFunctionTCG
from gaiaunlimited.utils import get_healpix_centers
import numpy as np
import healpy as hp

mapHpx7 = DR3SelectionFunctionTCG()
coords_of_centers = get_healpix_centers(5)
gmag = np.ones_like(coords_of_centers) * 21.
completeness = mapHpx7.query(coords_of_centers,gmag)
            title='Gaia DR3 selection function at G=21',

Optional: setting the data directory#

Gaiaunlimited downloads and caches large binary data files. To set the data directory to store these files, set the environment variable GAIAUNLIMITED_DATADIR to the desired location. By default, this will be ~/.gaiaunlimited.

export GAIAUNLIMITED_DATADIR="/path/to/directory"