
class gaiaunlimited.utils.SimulateGaiaSource(ra, dec, period=0, eccentricity=0, initial_phase=0, epoch=2016.0)#

Bases: DownloadMixin

Forward model to estimate RUWE for single sources or binary systems in Gaia DR3.

If you use this model in a publication please cite:

author = {{Castro-Ginard}, Alfred and {Penoyre}, Zephyr and {Casey}, Andrew R. and {Brown}, Anthony G.~A. and {Belokurov}, Vasily and {Cantat-Gaudin}, Tristan and {Drimmel}, Ronald and {Fouesneau}, Morgan and {Khanna}, Shourya and {Kurbatov}, Evgeny P. and {Price-Whelan}, Adrian M. and {Rix}, Hans-Walter and {Smart}, Richard L.},

title = “{Gaia DR3 detectability of unresolved binary systems}”,

journal = {arXiv e-prints},

keywords = {Astrophysics - Astrophysics of Galaxies},

year = 2024,

month = apr,

eid = {arXiv:2404.14127},

pages = {arXiv:2404.14127},

doi = {10.48550/arXiv.2404.14127},

archivePrefix = {arXiv},

eprint = {2404.14127},

primaryClass = {astro-ph.GA},

adsnote = {Provided by the SAO/NASA Astrophysics Data System}



Attributes Summary



Methods Summary

observe(phot_g_mean_mag, parallax, a, q, l, ...)

set_period_eccentricity_and_phase(period, ...)

unit_weight_error(al_positions, al_errors[, ...])

Attributes Documentation

datafiles = {'dict_SL_ruwe.pkl': ' '}#

Methods Documentation

observe(phot_g_mean_mag, parallax, a, q, l, phi, theta, omega)#
set_period_eccentricity_and_phase(period, eccentricity, initial_phase)#
unit_weight_error(al_positions, al_errors, crowding=False)#